Cassava for World

Best Choice for Cassava Product

About Us

We Supply The Best Organic Products

Cassava for world was founded in collaboration with Indonesian farmers. We provides you the best cassava derivative product from Indonesia for your industrial need. We aim to connect local cassava farmers to the world and promote Indonesia cassava derivative excellence that can compete in the international market.


Cassava Derivative

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Fresh Cassava

Fresh cassava with the best quality from the best farmers

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Cassava Cube

Cassava Cube with the best quality

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Cassava Chips

Cassava Chips with the best quality

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Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf) with the best quality


We value our professional action with honesty and ethical principles


We build trust and make beneficial relationship between company and customers


We exclusively service our customers in choosing the right product for their need


We are connected and together make powerful impact